What type of weather station works with DataFarmer?

Any kind of weather station is fine, but we can only access information from certain telemetry providers (they're the ones who decode the station's readings and transfer them to the internet).

We also natively support BCG Data Co-op weather stations connected via the Taggle network. We currently support Wildeye, Outpost, Goanna and Mait weather stations and we developing an integration to Adcon stations.

If your telemetry provider isn't listed, or you're not sure who your telemetry provider is, contact us and we'll be happy to help.

How do I share my weather station with my family and friends?

DataFarmer is designed to allow you to share the observations and forecasts from your device with your family and friends, this guide will show you how to do this.

Who has developed DataFarmer and why?

DataFarmer is developed by Square V Software for Agriculture - we're a small software company specialising in agriculture, and located in Bendigo VIC. We have a longstanding relationship with the Birchip Cropping Group, and we developed DataFarmer in conjunction with them after hearing a lot of complaints from farmers who had different types of weather stations and needed to login to multiple sites to see the info - we wanted to make a single website and app that would allow you to see all of your weather data regardless of the source.

Being software developers, we also get frustrated with the siloed nature of data in agriculture, and we wanted to develop a service that would let you use your weather station data easily with all sorts of software (with your permission). This allows us to develop other software that lets you use this weather information in new and exciting ways.

Who provides support for DataFarmer?

DataFarmer is supported by Tim McClelland from Model Agronomics - Tim runs a wheat/sheep farm in Jil Jil in the Victorian Mallee, and he provides most of the support for DataFarmer. Square V are great developers, but we know that sometimes we know too much about the technology so we don't explain things well - Tim does a much better job as he's a farmer and non-technical.

Do you share my data with other people?

DataFarmer allows you to select the privacy level of each device - it can be Private (visible only to you), Request (visible to others with your permission) or Public (visible to everyone). If it's Public, or if it's Request and you've given permission, other people can see your station's data, including a rough location of your station on a map (within 20km). Sharing of data is a complicated thing - there's a lot of benefit to the community when we all share data with each other (like being able to a map of the local area's rainfall and other weather on our Experimental Radar), but we know you have concerns about how your data is used past this. Our goal is for farmers to have control of their own data and how it's used. Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns about this - we take this very seriously.

Is there an API available?

Yes there is! The documentation and samples can be found here.

If you would like to access our API please email Square V to obtain an API key.